Saturday, September 1, 2012

Tuấn Cao has added a photo to the pool:

Our daily challenge - school
While doing some urban exploring, I found an abandoned, ramshackle house. The house appears to be very old, and whoever lived there left in a hurry. There are many miscellaneous items strewn throughout the interior. I found this old notebook, belonging to Irma Jones. Most of the completed assignments are dated May of 1923. The notebook contains many beautiful plant presses. I am a biologist, so this is just a wonderful find! The press above is that of a Dutchman's breeches (Dicentra cucullaria), a beautiful, perennial herbaceous plant. Native Americans used the plant to treat syphilis, and the chemical compounds found in the plant have psychoactive properties (but consumption in high quantity can lead to paralysis and death!). You can view another page of Irma's notebook below. Irma was a good student - she earned an A or A+ on all assignments!

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