Friday, September 28, 2012

San Francisco

Chris Laakmann has added a photo to the pool:

San Francisco


B. Simba has added a photo to the pool:


Havana, 2011


Bangkok Février 2010

FranceParis92 has added a photo to the pool:

Bangkok Février 2010


Corien van Delft has added a photo to the pool:


School work

Kurtis Semph Photography has added a photo to the pool:

School work

Tempe, AZ

Vistas del Rio Duero

JoeyReis has added a photo to the pool:

Vistas del Rio Duero

The entrance to Boscastle Harbour, Cornwall, as a storm passes

neilalderney123 has added a photo to the pool:

The entrance to Boscastle Harbour, Cornwall, as a storm passes

The entrance to Boscastle Harbour as a storm races past. I dodged the torrential showers as I climbed up on the slippery slate rocks to get this photo. The wind was threatening to blow me off the rocks! Now the eagle eyed mat see that there are two people on the other side of the harbour mouth! and I thought I was being brave!

serpenteando a Serra do Mar

m a r l e n e has added a photo to the pool:

serpenteando a Serra do Mar

* Rodovia dos Tamoios (SP)

A viagem não acaba nunca. Só os viajantes acabam. E mesmo estes podem prolongar-se em memória, em lembrança, em narrativa. Quando o visitante sentou na areia da praia e disse: “Não há mais o que ver”, sabia que não era assim. O fim de uma viagem é apenas o começo de outra. É preciso ver o que não foi visto, ver outra vez o que se viu já, ver na primavera o que se vira no verão, ver de dia o que se viu de noite, com o sol onde primeiramente a chuva caía, ver a seara verde, o fruto maduro, a pedra que mudou de lugar, a sombra que aqui não estava. É preciso voltar aos passos que foram dados, para repetir e para traçar caminhos novos ao lado deles. É preciso recomeçar a viagem. Sempre.
[José Saramago]

In The Pines Where The Sun Does Shine

peterkelly has added a photo to the pool:

In The Pines Where The Sun Does Shine

And I´m tired.

V. Bures-Photography has added a photo to the pool:

And I´m tired.

Fuck you, fuck you very very much!

Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve. One day, someone will walk into your life and make you see why it never worked out with anyone else.
Was uns verbindet, das trennt uns.
Manchmal würde ich dir am liebsten eine reinhauen, ehrlich. Ich würde dir gerne eine reinhauen, weil du mich so veränderst. Du veränderst mich. Diese Tage schmecken wie Bitterschokolade. Bittersüß. Ich esse sie gerne. Danach muss ich was trinken...
Nicht sofort, aber du bist geschickt darin, immer neue, kleine Stiche hinzuzufügen, sodass sich das Feuer ernähren kann. Das geht dann ganz schnell. So schnell, dass du es vielleicht gar nicht mitbekommst. Ich verbrenne. Du nicht.
l'm done trying! lf you want me in your life, let me know.

© All rights reserved. Copyright by V.Bures. Pictures taken by V.Bures. For any questions please contact me.


Phoenix Han has added a photo to the pool:


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Saindo do forno! =)

GabrielaMoura. has added a photo to the pool:

Saindo do forno! =)

Visitem meu novo blog, lá vocês encontrarão meus trabalhos mais recentes e minhas fotos favoritas. Um beijo!

Clarise_Claire has added a photo to the pool:

A gift from god?

insideabrokenclock has added a photo to the pool:

A gift from god?

What i can say more? Look like a icon

Ariel Villegas has added a photo to the pool:

Intento fallido de usar el timer de la camara..

Langdale Valley

Bardsea Photography has added a photo to the pool:

Langdale Valley

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Old Brass Clock

Juni Saf has added a photo to the pool:

Old Brass Clock

A Square Mile Of Culture

_4BR has added a photo to the pool:

A Square Mile Of Culture

Please, please view in lightbox!!! Press L!!

"What is the most important object you would never leave the house without?"

One of my final images from my summer project about diptychs. This one is of my flatmate, and a kind of comparison that shows the difference when I photograph people I know, and when I photograph strangers.
Unfortunately, I did not get any of the strangers' permissions to use their images as I was in a bit of a rush, but the project came out quite well.

You can follow my university work here :)|facebook of lurve|twitter|visual journal|blog

Aguilar reflections

José Carlos Photography has added a photo to the pool:

Aguilar reflections

Nature - Paisible

Tiquetonne2067 has added a photo to the pool:

Nature - Paisible

nature . forest . autumn . landscape . trees . woods . fall . leaves . picture . image . photo . tree . arbre . paysage . automne . water . colors . europe . france . aquitaine . art

Charco de San Lorenzo de mañana

maccanti has added a photo to the pool:

Charco de San Lorenzo de mañana


GB-Photography has added a photo to the pool:


El meu amor

Irene Serafini has added a photo to the pool:

El meu amor

El meu amor per tu és infinit, abarca tot el que ets i tot el que som, i no vull que els meus desitjos i les demandes absurdes que et faig, l'espatllin.



Trapi. has added a photo to the pool:


25-S. Madrid

Self Portrait

GwenWeber has added a photo to the pool:

Self Portrait

Aspen Grove near Crested Butte, CO

david.silo has added a photo to the pool:

Aspen Grove near Crested Butte, CO

Taken with the 10.5mm fisheye


Roccobonobo has added a photo to the pool:



Shakies Buddy has added a photo to the pool:


Angel of the Morning

The little kitty

KlaraCurda has added a photo to the pool:

The little kitty

The workbench

bscott2007 has added a photo to the pool:

The workbench

Uploaded with a demo version of FlickrExport.

backlight close up (Get Pushed ! R 26)

rafartreides2009 has added a photo to the pool:

backlight close up (Get Pushed ! R 26)

So, I decided to post this picture as it fits in the second choice of my counter player bella_blue_star
Her push to me was..

I'm giving you a choice between
(a) ICM - Intentional Camera Movement - to produce an artistic / impressionistic result.
See for ideas.

(b) Backlighting something/someone with the evening sun - i.e. a backlit portrait of a person / flower
The image must be in colour, and if it's a portrait, it must not be yourself.

It's not the evening sun (well, 2 hours from sunset), it's not a person, but an object.
What struck me was that an old rusty gate full of holes with this rusty locker on,
and a notice sign to "keep out" was protecting a..piece of bare land with beautiful high grass on it..


Thanx again bella_blue_star for pushing me in an unknown direction !

Kj 9-23-12-0448

Jasono2000 has added a photo to the pool:

Kj 9-23-12-0448


francisco caz has added a photo to the pool:


Our Flo

123ems has added a photo to the pool:

Our Flo

My lovely niece

Stranger Number Fourteen : Denny 1972

pixelsindistress has added a photo to the pool:

Stranger Number Fourteen : Denny 1972

This picture is #14 in my 100 strangers project.
Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at

Meet Denny. He has lived in Trenton, NJ since 1972. The hood is just not the same. 3rd time in a row he's had his car window smashed, this time for a small cup of change. Most of which I found in the grass mixed with broken glass and broken dreams. "lucky I didn't catch em, I'da shot em". I beleive him. Beneath that half smile lies a toughness that comes as a result of being that sturdy reed in the river that does not bend, year after year. He's stayed on and watched the world change around him. Good for you Denny, let em have it.

dark skies @ kinderdijk holland

JKF76 has added a photo to the pool:

dark skies @ kinderdijk holland

Yin & Yang

koldphuzion has added a photo to the pool:

Yin & Yang

Place de la Concorde at night 3

jsz1999 has added a photo to the pool:

Place de la Concorde at night 3

Summer Rustscape 2012

seattlerayhutch45 has added a photo to the pool:

Summer Rustscape 2012

Detail from a landslide-loosened and wave-eroded shoreline embankment East of the beach at Seattle's Golden Gardens Park.

ashley.powershot has added a photo to the pool:


Trapi. has added a photo to the pool:


25-S. Madrid

Drifting Out

Erika Victor has added a photo to the pool:

Drifting Out

More of this lovely lady. She wanted a lot of floating shots.

| facebook

don't think about the splash I will create

denisstuff has added a photo to the pool:

don't think about the splash I will create

we call that water #18

Racklever has added a photo to the pool:

Keith Thomas

linus/wong has added a photo to the pool:

Keith Thomas

kind of an outtake from shooting around for some ideas for photo class.

mystic vale's nice.

Sunrise above the Coastal Mountains

hakristi has added a photo to the pool:

Sunrise above the Coastal Mountains

Gibsons, BC, Canada

Flower diving

Branislav Glavic has added a photo to the pool:

Flower diving

Alamo Square Painted Ladies - San Francisco

Mister Joe has added a photo to the pool:

Alamo Square Painted Ladies - San Francisco

This is my take on the classic San Francisco shot of the painted ladies from Alamo Square.

John:The Bird Whisperer, part 1 (_K5A3087)

[Rossco] has added a photo to the pool:

John:The Bird Whisperer, part 1 (_K5A3087)

Una bionda per la vita...

vincenzo1977 has added a photo to the pool:

Una bionda per la vita...

il mio personale tributo alla birra,grande invenzione dell'uomo. Non potevo non iniziare che con una Peroni, " una bionda per la vita".