Thursday, September 27, 2012

Stranger Number Fourteen : Denny 1972

pixelsindistress has added a photo to the pool:

Stranger Number Fourteen : Denny 1972

This picture is #14 in my 100 strangers project.
Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at

Meet Denny. He has lived in Trenton, NJ since 1972. The hood is just not the same. 3rd time in a row he's had his car window smashed, this time for a small cup of change. Most of which I found in the grass mixed with broken glass and broken dreams. "lucky I didn't catch em, I'da shot em". I beleive him. Beneath that half smile lies a toughness that comes as a result of being that sturdy reed in the river that does not bend, year after year. He's stayed on and watched the world change around him. Good for you Denny, let em have it.

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