Saturday, September 15, 2012

Once again...we will weep

jackandphyl has added a photo to the pool:

Once again...we will weep

The light shines but we really can't see.
The window is open but it really isn't clear.
The rain falls but the flowers will not grow.
And the time of man does not flourish now.

But instead we fight and cry and grieve.
Our differences are oceans wide, and divide.
But isn’t that what makes us great?
No, we wear our faiths like weapons of hate,
Fanning flames, yelling in the streets,

But is not true faith based on love and peace?
Don’t we know that sticks, stones, and words hurt.
And our fellow man will die lying in the streets?
And once again, over and over again…we will weep.

Note: Dedicated to the four brave men of the foreign service who lost their lives in service to their country and to the courageous men and women of our armed forces who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice every day for their country.

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