Monday, September 17, 2012

Night of Arts - Groninger Museum, Groningen, The Netherlands

Bas Meelker has added a photo to the pool:

Night of Arts - Groninger Museum, Groningen, The Netherlands

Night of Arts - Groninger Museum, Groningen, The Netherlands

As my photographic exploration of my hometown Groningen continues, I knew there was one spot I just had to visit. The dilemma was that is has been photographed a thousand times. And for a very simple reason. It's one of the most striking architectural landmarks of Groningen. So the decision had to be made to include it in the series. Not just because of it significance for the city of Groningen, but also because I love it. I think its design by Philippe Starck, Alessandro Mendini and Coop Himmelblau is exquisite. But not everyone in Groningen thought so. Protesters even managed to halt construction in high court for one year. It stands in a canal almost at the heart of the city directly opposite the main railway station and can't be missed when visiting Groningen. It's a must see. Not only because of it's architecture, but also because of the variety of exhibitions by local, national, and international artists. Most of them modern and abstract.The last time I visited an exhibition in the museum was just two weeks ago. The exhibition is called 'Painting Canada' and shows the work of the Group of Seven. A group of Canadian landscape painters from 1920 to 1933. They believed distinct Canadian art could be developed through direct contact with nature. If you have the chance, go and visit the exhibition. It is alway very inspiring and educational to study landscape painters and how they worked with composition and light. And this was no exception. I was especially blown away by the work of A.Y. Jackson. Beautiful!

Night of Arts - Groninger Museum, Groningen, The Netherlands - Canon EOS 5D Mark III + Canon EF 24-70mm f2.8 L at 28mm. F11, 30 sec. exposure, iso 100, tripod, cable release, mirror lockup, Lee ND9 hard grad.

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