Friday, September 14, 2012

252/366--Kristen & Paul

Catch-light has added a photo to the pool:

252/366--Kristen & Paul

On saturday morning we headed out of town for a wedding in Restoule with Kristen and Paul. Its always great to get to take photos in new places and where Kristen had her cottage that she always visited from when she was a kid growing up It was such a nice place on the lake, the whole area was very peaceful around there ,down some little backroads and that country feel we also drove to a few places and a few trails for there photos. So when we stopped at one of those trails to shot a few pics i had the circle thing-e on me, its always in my camera bag (its a little piece of glass that compress the whole scene inside that circle) so i got Kristen and Paul to each hold a side and we did this photo. I always try to make sure that i get a photo for each bride and groom with the circle thing-e, its just such a fun prop. Thanks again to Kristen and Paulo for the awesome day and for showing me around Restoule. I wish both of you all the best in your endeavors.

sb-800 1/4th power camera left STU super close behind the circle thing-e, lighting there face and not the foreground to avoid reflections --Fired via nikon cls

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