Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Nuclear Family

hbmike2000 has added a photo to the pool:

The Nuclear Family

Son: I have to pay for my own gas to get to school.

Dad: I had to take the bus to get to school!

Grandpa: I had to walk to school!

Great Grandpa: I had to walk up hill in the snow, BOTH WAYS, to get to school!

Six Year Old Daughter: I have to take a Limo with some drunkass driver who hit a bump and made me spill my juice all over.

Mom to her family:
Son, you stole money from your sister piggy bank this morning.

Husband, you lived less than a quarter of a mile from school.

Grandpa, your were home schooled.

Great Grandpa, you ... you ... well, you did go to school during the last ice age so I'll let you slide.

Daughter, I'm still mad at you for throwing your Juice box at me while I was driving.

View on black or I'll throw my Juice Box at you!


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