Friday, August 31, 2012

Roaring Meg - Goodrich Castle

elhawk has added a photo to the pool:

Roaring Meg - Goodrich Castle

This historic canon was used by Parliamentary forces during the English Civil War to batter the walls of Goodrich Castle, thus ending a six week siege of the castle begun in May of 1645. The Royalists occupying the castle were thus forced to surrender, though it was several more years before overall victory in the war was claimed by the Parliamentary army under Oliver Cromwell.

Colonel Birch, then Governor of Hereford, had the cannon specially cast in the Forest of Dean. It was capable of throwing a 2-hundredweight shell. His secretary, Roe, spoke of it with admiration: ‘By reason of a great mortorpiece you made there (the biggest in England) the enimy was terrified, much of the inner part of the castle ffalen downe, and the roofs spoyled.’
The Siege of Goodrich Castle

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