Friday, August 31, 2012

More Bug Spray!

Cassario has added a photo to the pool:

More Bug Spray!

At 4:30am the mosquitos are pretty brutal, especially in Maine where they are twice the size as they are in Jersey, and with a lake nearby where they can reproduce in masses. We had to stop every couple of mins to let her respray because they seemed to like it more than try to avoid it. The other problem was that we only had one can, which she hid.under the dress for the serious shots, which left me with nothing. I sprayed down prior to getting out of the truck, and wore pants and a hooded sweatshirt, but they destroyed my hands while they were out in the open from having to hold the camera. I should have taken a pic of my mangled mosquito eaten hands which itched me like crazy for weeks it seemed.


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