Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Reservoir Rocks

Mario Cugini has added a photo to the pool:

Reservoir Rocks

The Pentland Hills reservoirs provide an interesting place for landscape and wildlife photography. There are quite a few herons about, but i've got to get better at getting closer to them before they spot me and fly off!

Back to a 3 exposure blend on this one in Photoshop to bring out the rocks. Shots taken with a couple of Lee grads.

My final week at my current job before i finish up to go on gardening leave for 8 weeks and start another job...my wife has a growing "to-do" list for me (!) but I'll be packing in as much photography as I can! :-) If any Edinburgh locals who don't have work commitments are keen to meet up for a shoot during weekdays drop me an email!

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