Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sunrise @ the Pacific War Memorial

ISO-metrix has added a photo to the pool:

Sunrise @ the Pacific War Memorial

Corregidor, Philippines

That's the silhouette of a very famous Filipino photographer.

Pacific War Memorial - The memorial was erected to honor the Filipino and American servicemen who participated in the Pacific War. Financed with an appropriation by the United States Congress, it was completed in 1968. The major memorial structure is a rotunda in which a circular altar falls directly under the dome's open center through which light falls on the altar during daylight hours. The altar symbolizes a wreath of victory with the following words inscribed on its rim: "Sleep, my sons, your duty done, for Freedom's light has come; sleep in the silent depths of the sea, or in your bed of hallowed sod, until you hear at dawn the low, clear reveille of God." The memorial also houses a museum which serves as the repository of relics and memorabilia related to the history of Corregidor. (

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