Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sea Pinks Bokeh Wednesday

s0ulsurfing has added a photo to the pool:

Sea Pinks Bokeh Wednesday

OK, enough of the showing off, and back to photos with a few pictures of the sea pinks on the cliffs above freshwater bay. This one was taken with the canon 100m f2.8 macro. I'd headed out that day hoping for some lovely sunny shots of the whole place in bloom, but when i got there it was shrouded in sea mist with a weird (but lovely) diffused light. And here's the results, it was like being in a giant softbox without any of the harsh shadows that would have been there
in direct sunlight.

Pox update = not great, sleep is hard to come by as i want to rip my skin off, but i'm telling myself this isn't as bad as last time and hopefully i'm on the mend already.
©2012 Jason Swain, All Rights Reserved
This image is not available for use on websites, blogs or other media without the explicit written permission of the photographer.
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Links to facebook and twitter can be found on my flickr profile

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