Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Saying Goodbye to February

Eddie C3 has added a photo to the pool:

Saying Goodbye to February

Here in New York City, with the newspapers reported an especially harsh winter across Europe it felt like the home town had skipped winter this year. Since this seemed like the February that never was, this Van Cortlandt lake scene is not from 2012. This photo was taken on February 11, 2010.

I had so many photographic experiences this February that just didn’t seem to fit in with that month. Besides eating a few lunches on Central park benches I actually walked across the Manhattan Bridge. I walked all the way out on the Christopher Street Pier to take pictures of Freedom Tower. I went to a place even more infamous for biting wind, out to take cityscapes from the Hoboken Riverwalk.

Such an odd winter this was in New York City. March is yet to be seen and there have been a few in my life that came with much cold and snow. I even remember a few White Easters but it seems that the Halloween blizzard, almost a month prior to the official beginning of winter, marked the end of this New York winter season.

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