Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Farewell Daydream Believer

Kenny Maths has added a photo to the pool:

Farewell Daydream Believer

Jings! I just heard about half an hour ago that Davy Jones of The Monkees died earlier today, aged 66.

I saw him on stage three times. The first was at Edinburgh Playhouse in the late 80s where it was just him, Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork as The Monkees. A few years later (30th anniversay tour?) I saw all four perform at the SECC. This was taken last year at The Armadillo in Glasgow, where it was just him, Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork again. It was the first time I had ever photographed the band.

The Monkees were a "pretend" TV band who became real given their popularity. I think Mike Nesmith said they were like Pinnochio becoming a real boy.

For those of us of "a certain age", there are fond memories of the TV show...and the music.

I've only worked on this picture since I heard the news of Davy's death.

You can see a shot I took of Davy with the band, here: Monkee Business

My thanks are due to Alex Hewitt from The Scotsman for arranging my photo pass.

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