Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Führ mich ans Licht

SpanishScorpio has added a photo to the pool:

Führ mich ans Licht

or Guide me into the light.
Listen: www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-YRnDjnjsg&feature=related

Guide me into the light
I will not disappoint you

You are still out of sight
Don´t seem to know your name yet
Your word has no weight
But I write you a poem
I am yours, you are mine
I will scream for you in front of you
When will you be with me?
Without you, I am alone
You are the shoot of our tree
The fulfillment of my dream
You are the one, who is carrying me inside
And when you are on your way
I count the days
I start a lament

Guide me into the light
I will not disappoint you

Best seen On Black...........to see the light

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